Thursday 7 September 2017

Hurricane Season part 2

So I figured yesterday's post would be my last about what to do to prepare yourself for travel during Hurricane Season. But I really needed to do a post about all the Suppliers during this time. Air Transat, West Jet and Air Canada have arranged all kinds of extra flights to evacuate people from the effected areas. They have been amazing getting people out of harms way.
The cruise lines came into ports early and letting those who had places to go off and then took those who did not have a safe place to weather the storm back out to sea away from the storm path.
Disney World is letting people re-schedule their vacations and are trying their best to honour any promotions they may have had such as free dining.
Cruises that have been cancelled are getting the same considerations with most cruise lines. Also of not a lot of great ports and countries have been hit badly already. St Maarten, Tortola and St Thomas. Keep in mind that when the cruise lines start up again that many of those ports will likely have to be changed for quite some time you may see Eastern Itineraries switched out to Western Itineraries.
Last but not least I want to give a big huge high five to all my fellow Travel Agents who have spent countless hours on phones holding with suppliers trying to make sure that their clients stay safe and that they are impacted as little as possible. This what we do when you book with a travel agent you can rest assured that from the minute you contact us and then book we will follow you and make sure your vacation is a success until you are back home.
Wishing everyone in the effected countries and Hurricane path continue to stay safe

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