Friday 13 October 2017


So when I started blogging this past summer it was to share my love of travel as a travel agent with the world and to let people get to know me and my family and why I had chosen this "dying"profession as a way of life.
Little did I know how difficult this would be even after I made a list that had well over a hundred blog ideas and many could be turned into multi day posts. Heck let's be honest I could write something new about Disney everyday and never run out of topics or inspiration but as much as I love Disney it is still not what I am all about.
You see as I mentioned I am a work from home mom who is raising four kids. My husband works full time out of the home and is also very active in the Masonic Organization. What this means is the kids become about 100% of my responsibility and all that entails while working a job. So in the summer when I started this venture the kids where home. We made use of the local churches vacation bible schools which offered one week had day camps. We did three of those and one church has a full day which we used also. The girls attended a week long stay way camp sponsored by our church and my youngest did a half day summer reading program at the school for the month of July. My second oldest daughter swam with her summer swim team. So while the kids were home I did get some free time and my weekends tended to be booked with swim meets. The free time was enough to sit down and blog and of course blogging like most social media these days allow you to schedule posts so you can always write as many as you can and schedule them to post later.
August was bit of a challenge as there was a short getaway with the two oldest girls for their Grand Assembly for the International Order of the Rainbow for which they are members of, but I managed to stay on track. But then I was hit with back to school and I know we are involved in a lot. Hard not to be when there are four kids and two adults leaving together. But not only did I have to deal with the back to school bustle I ended up going on a week long working cruise to the Mediterranean (I know you are not saying poor you). I figured that I would be able to blog live while on my trip and have time to develop content for the future. But go figure my down time was not quite as much as I thought it would be and I spent what little of it I had sleeping or staying in touch with my family and my clients. I am almost three weeks post cruise and still I had not posted a blog heck I haven't even shared pictures with friends and family or reviews for my colleagues which is normally what one does on a working a vacation.
So just to give you an idea of how hectic our life is My oldest daughter is in grade eight she is an Explorer with scouts and she is a Rainbow girl.  My second daughter is in grade seven she is a swimmer (although no competing this year just doing lessons) and a Rainbow girl. My third daughter is in grade five and she is a Timberwolf with scouts and a pledge girl (this is pre rainbow). My youngest son is in grade three and he does Taekwon Do and attends the local churches youth group. So I have to do or co-ordinate the drives for all these activities. I also am on the advisory board for the Rainbow girls (which means monthly meetings and helping with all events). I am a Senior Explorer (scout leader, I used to lead one other group and do the admin for all the groups but had to back away). I am the secretary on the Parent council for the high school and I volunteer for events at the elementary school and help when and where needed. So coming back home I had to launch into a Luau fundraiser for Rainbow (I made 90% of the food) and served Thanksgiving dinner to the elementary school on top of cooking a turkey for it. As can be expected I kind of ran myself into the ground and was burning the candle at booth ends. So I got sick.
So here I am apologizing to all of you for not keeping up on my goal of posting blogs every two days and going for just over a month since my last post and even then they were two quick posts about Hurricanes and there is much more than should have been written since then. So I am getting back on my band wagon and will be starting to share my travel experience because it was Amazing!!! I really can not recommend more taking this cruise itinerary. So if I have peaked your interest and have not lost you as a follower yet. Please stay tuned to my blogs posts for the next little while!!

mom and I

Have a great weekend and if you are wanting to connect here is where you can find me and www,

my email

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