Tuesday 24 April 2018

Putting on my Big Girl Pants

So I started this blog back in the summer of 2017. I had such great plans for this blog. I was going to help people who loved to travel, learn about everything that is out there to see and do these days all over the world. I was also going to touch on my own personal and work related travel as I am a travel agent. Not only am I a travel agent I am a mother of four young children involved with Scouts, International Order of Rainbow for Girls, Parent Council helping out at the schools etc.. I am busy and life can sometimes get in the way.
I wish that I can say the reason I stopped posting to my blog was that life was so busy that I just could not juggle anymore but that is just not the case. What happened is that I did not have a thick skin. When you put yourself out there in a public forum you need to also prepare yourself for what the world is going to see and say. Some of the comments I received were mean and cruel and rather than just brushing them off and moving on I took them personally. Yes my grammar and spelling is not always 100% yes I re read before I post but sometimes I miss things we are all human. I live in Canada and yes we sometimes say or use words for some things that Americans or Brits etc use other words for apparently this is criminal. I have been a travel agent for 5 years and yes I know that on cruise ship they are decks but let's be honest when you are on board and going up down the elevator are you thinking decks or floors. I honestly forget I am on a ship and refer to them as floors as that is something to that is to each their own. We all have faults and in this day and age of social media we have many people who sit behind the safety of their computers and feel the need to comment on anything and no longer have anything that holds them back from being downright mean and cruel. I am obese believe me I see the pictures. I normally try to take very little pictures of myself and lots of my family. But I have come to realize that my friends and family love me the way I am not because of my weight but because of who I am. So I am trying to include myself in more pictures as one day I will die just like everyone else and I want people to have memories of me the person they know and love no matter what.
This past week I spent in Punta Cana in the company of over 140 fellow travel agents from the travel agent next door and suppliers and I came to realize that there will be mean things said all over and not everyone has to love me or like me. But no matter what I am going to continue to do what I set out to do. So here we go thick skin and big girl pants are on and away we go....
Just one last word I want to thank Flemming Friisdahl for having the courage in launching the Travel Agent Next Door and following his dreams as without them I may not be sitting here today taking this huge step. Thank you Flemming and Penny Martin you are huge acts to follow

photo courtesy of the great Dan Glabraith

Just an fyi I am in the group picture on the right side close to the pool bar about the third row back!!

Here is where you can fine me
Facebook: www.facebook.com/stephaniethatravelagentnextdoor
Website: http://www.exclusivetoyoutravel.ca
Email: slough@exclusivetoyoutravel.com

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