Saturday 9 June 2018

Rainbow Girls

The first weekend in May as an advisory board member for the Ottawa Assembly of the International order of Rainbow for girls I got to attend something I had never seen before. The city of Barrie managed to set up their very own Rainbow Assembly. I got to travel to Barrie with my oldest daughter and one of the other girls from our Assembly to see and help this take place. Girls and advisers from all Canadian Assemblies came to lend a hand.
So you are probably wondering what exactly is Rainbow. The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls prepares girls for responsible and purposeful adulthood through character and leadership development, encouraging unselfish service and higher ideals in life, and promoting teamwork and effective interpersonal communications. My oldest daughter Victoria has thrived with this organization. She has no problems with public speaking. She can stand up and read at church, lead a Rainbow meeting or speak her mind at scouts and present at school with confidence. I wish I had learned these skills at an early age and been comfortable with these things. I am still not comfortable addressing large crowds and I am 44 years old. I am so proud of what this organization has taught her about being charitable as well. It helps me to know she will walk the right path in life.
Rainbow has produced some phenomenal woman.
Our very own Chairperson and Supreme Chaplain Luanne Walton works with the Canadian Department of Justice as a Senior Consultant in Constitutional Law. My daughter would also like to be a lawyer one day and she has great footsteps to follow in.

 All the girls that came to help Indigo out

The new Barrie Assembly know as Indigo Central Assembly

I am really looking forward to this summers adventure when Victoria and I had to Virginia for our very first Supreme Assembly which includes Rainbow from all around the World as this is an International organization!!

Want to learn more ask me or check out our website

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