Thursday 22 June 2023

My New Travel Partner

 I have worked for Exclusive to You Travel for the last eight years. Recently I have partnered up with my colleague Sarah Moore and we will be hosting a number of groups for 2024 and 2025. One or the other or both of us will be in most of the groups.

Sarah is a former military police officer and some of our groups will be checking out Canadian Monuments abroad. Next year will be the 80th Anniversary of D-day. We both have a passion for travel and sharing it with others.

Travel has changed since covid. Booking further out will often get you better rates and groups help with that as well. Last-minute bookings are still available but not necessarily at the deals that were available in the past.

Let us help you make lasting travel memories with friends and family!!

Here are the details for our first group in January 2024. An All-inclusive stay in the Dominican Republic

Our second group will be in April 2024 to France where we will have an opportunity to take in the war memorial sites as well as Paris and a visit to Versailles. Prices for this opportunity will be available shortly.

The third group will be Jordan in July of 2024, Sarah and I will both be there in June for our conference and we look forward to helping you enjoy this spectacular venue as well. Here are the details for this group

Our fourth group will be in Greece or Italy in August we are just working on finalizing details for this one shortly.

Our fifth group will be a War Monuments sailing on Regent in September 2024. These prices and cabin categories will be available shortly as well.

Our sixth and last group of 2024 will be on a Christmas Market River cruise in November 2024 on an Ama ship. Once again details of this will be released shortly. Sarah and her husband were on board an Ama cruise last year for a Christmas Market cruise here are a few of their pictures.

If you want to put together your own group of friends and family trip please reach out and we will be more than happy to work with you on an itinerary and get you to where you want to go.

And we are also already working on 2025 we will have at least two River cruises available but in exotic locations. One along the Nile in Egypt. The other is on the Magdaleine in Columbia. 

And for those of you who love to golf, we will also have some amazing travel golf groups to share as well. Imagine golfing all over the world!!!

Where you can find me: 

 TikTok: StephanieTTAND 
 TICO 50021282 55 York Street, Suite 1003 Toronto, On M5J 1R7 
Office Phone 416-367-8264 ext 2625 Direct Phone 343-998-6387 

 Please keep in mind that while my head office is in Toronto. I am a home-based travel agent and I live in Brockville I can service clients anywhere in Canada. But, I meet with clients in the SD&G area. I will still meet my clients in this area as well as in Leeds and Grenville. 

Monday 27 February 2023

Grad Trip Adventures!!! Part two

Our Hotel in New York City was The Hilton in the Fashion District. I was trying to be closer to the port than times square because little did we realize when Victoria picked this cruise. Sunday, November 6th our boarding day was also the NYC marathon.

So you are probably wondering what exactly that means. One it meant the hotel rooms were almost double in price and less to choose from. Second on Sunday itself a lot of road closures. This actually worked in our favour. Many people went underground to the subway so our Uber had no traffic really to deal with.

So Friday night we did not go out. Instead, we ordered a late meal. We checked out Sticky's finger joint. The food was not bad. We now travel with reusable bamboo utensils as with Uber eats it is a hit or a miss. We needed them.

Saturday morning we started our day off running. Well rather walking. We did the underground donut tour. 4 stops, 6 different donuts, 2 full, and 4 halves. Started in Manhattan and finished in Chelsea. About 2.5 km in total and a good pace for us. Also, it was a small group. Victoria and I are with another couple. Our tour guide Missy was amazing.

Our first donut stop was Eataly. The Second was Dough Handmade Artisanal Donuts. The third stop was Mah Ze Dah. The last stop was the donut project.

The first stop was a full donut. I can not remember the name but a custard cream in the. middle and very yummy.

Second stop two donuts. Same dough two different icings. Half donuts. One was dark chocolate. The second was passion fruit. The third was another donut with a cream filling and a donut hole. The last stop was once again two donut halves. These represented NYC. The first was a cream cheese drizzle with everything bagel seasoning. The second was a Bronx donut with an olive oil-based drizzle with peppercorn.

I liked all of them but the last. Victoria didn't enjoy the Dough donuts or the peppercorn.

This underground donut tour is available in many cities. We would definitely do it again in another city. We also learned the history of many of the areas/streets/buildings we passed which was also a nice touch. It also slows the walking pace speed down. On another note, we did not eat everything it is too much but they do provide take-out containers.

We did uber back to the hotel to not have to carry everything around all day. Also so we would not get lost on our way back to the hotel.

Where you can find me: 

 TikTok: StephanieTTAND 
 TICO 50021282 55 York Street, Suite 1003 Toronto, On M5J 1R7 
Office Phone 416-367-8264 ext 2625 Direct Phone 343-998-6387 

 Please keep in mind that while my head office is in Toronto. I am a home-based travel agent and I live in Brockville I can service clients anywhere in Canada. But, I meet with clients in the SD&G area. I will still meet my clients in this area as well as in Leeds and Grenville.

Wednesday 21 December 2022

Grad Trip Adventures!! Part one

Thursday, November 4th we started our adventure with a train trip from Brockville to the Montreal Airport. The train was delayed about 20 minutes. No problem we met a nice lady who is a rail watcher and she explained all kinds of facts to us. I did not know this but had we driven to Kingston to get the train there is an early morning one that does not stop in Brockville that would have gotten us to Montreal in time for our plane. She also told us where on the platform our car would stop. You can learn a lot from other people if you only take the time to listen.
The train got delayed once we were on it due to a freight and passenger train needing to pass us. In all, we were about an hour late arriving in Montreal.

Just as I did when I traveled with my two youngest in February we stayed at the Marriott in the Aiport terminal. We had a late checkout time of 4:00 pm. We had to check in for our flight at about. 1:00 pm so this was ideal.

We could have enjoyed the gym or spa but decided to sleep in late and just chill. This no rushing to the airport is something I really enjoy.

We ordered room service for a late-night snack and breakfast. Everything is back to normal service wise which it was not in February. Being as this is the airport you do not have the option of outside delivery due to security.  If you have picky eaters could be a problem. Although mine did manage to eat.

Getting checked in and security was super fast. It was maybe 20.minutes max. Our delay was going through US customs. I used the app so we were quicker but most people did not so the wait was well over 40 minutes.

Our flight was delayed due to fog in the morning at LaGuardia. They cleared the incoming flight when it landed and had us boarded in a very short time. We had a short window in which to take off or we would have to wait two hours. Very thankful everyone moved quickly.

The new LaGuardia airport is amazing an attraction in itself. So for this trip, I decided on no private transfers I would try something new. Took one look at the taxi line which was a good hour's wait. So I quickly figured out Uber and we were picked up in about ten minutes. Easy peasy. We arrived at the hotel at about 10:30 and were so glad we came in a few days early.

Where you can find me: 
 TikTok: StephanieTTAND 
 TICO 50021282 55 York Street, Suite 1003 Toronto, On M5J 1R7 
Office Phone 416-367-8264 ext 2625 Direct Phone 343-998-6387 

 Please keep in mind that while my head office is in Toronto. I am a home-based travel agent and I live in Brockville I can service clients anywhere in Canada. But, I meet with clients in the SD&G area. I will still meet my clients in this area as well as in Leeds and Grenville.

Friday 4 November 2022

MIA and What is new?

Where to start it feels like I have been gone forever!!!

I know it has been a few months but really the time seems to be moving at warp speed and I keep falling behind.

I survived my two month liquid diet. I did not lose as much weight as was hoped but it shrunk my organs enough that my gallbladder was safely removed. My one stone was 4 1/2 cm which is very big. Thankfully it still was able to be removed laparoscopically however it meant a much larger incision and a few extra incisions to help it on the way. However my pain was excrutiating and took some work to manage but manage we did.

The pain is finally gone. My stitches are almost completely disolved and I am alive. I took only 2 days off from my dispatcher job and worked remote for a week. Which is why I disappeared in posting for my travel business. 

Last night marked the start of my oldest daughter Victoria's grad trip journey. This trip was picked by here and hope you guys follow along and get some inspiration for your own journeys and adventures

Victoria actually did not graduate in June with her peers. Sadly covid played heavily on her anxieties and her last semester was a bit of a wash. She has rallied and like her siblings started at a brand new school this September in a brand new town. She will be done in February so we decided the trip still needed to be taken.

Sadly anxiety and depression runs through my family and while we have always managed covid did a lot of mental health damage to us all.

Thankfully we are all starting to move forward again. I have many clients who have returned to travel and I can not wait to help more of you make travel memories that will last a lifetime.

I have groups for next year and beyond and can not wait to share again.

Where you can find me:


TikTok: StephanieTTAND

TICO 50021282
55 York Street, Suite 1003
Toronto, On M5J 1R7
Office Phone 416-367-8264 ext 2625
Direct Phone 343-998-6387

Please keep in mind that while my head office is in Toronto. I am a home-based travel agent and I live in Brockville I can service clients anywhere in Canada. But, I meet with clients in the SD&G area. I will still meet my clients in this area as well as in Leeds and Grenville.

Friday 12 August 2022

Group Travel - Reasons

 On Thursday, July 14th my Aunt Anne Boileau passed away at the young age of 66. She was the wife of my father's younger brother. The thing that bothers me the most about her death is the fact that I have not seen my aunt and uncle or my cousin in well over 10 years. The last time I saw them was at the St Laurent mall when I worked for ING Direct which moved in March 2012.  It was a short chat. Our last real visit would have been for Sabrina's birthday a year after she was the flower girl at my wedding which was July 2002. 

Oh, wait I would have seen them at my grandmother's funeral in May of 2009. What covid and this death made me realize is how we let so much get in the way of enjoying life and our family. When I was younger I spent a lot of time visiting my Aunt and Uncle they would even take me to Fort Coulunge with them to Anne's parent's farm for weekends away where I would be spoiled dearly by Anne's siblings and parents.  I wonder why did life get in the way of such connections.

This is why I love traveling with my friends and family with our kids. So we can take time out and enjoy the moments and each other's company and experience new things at the same time. My dad is no longer able to fly but my mom travel's with me when she can. My best friend and I will be traveling with her son and my middle daughter next July on a graduation milestone cruise. I have been at Disney at the same time as friends and met up and spent a day together with her youngest two and my youngest two so that the older kids could do older things together. I want more of this in my life.

So this gets me back to group travel and reasons. Family, friends, and connections that is what they are. Milestones, weddings, honeymoons, graduations, big birthdays, or anniversaries. All very good reasons to get away together.  I offered each child when they graduate from high school a trip. My oldest takes her 14-day cruise in November. My second oldest is on a 14-day cruise to Japan in July 2023. The youngest daughter has asked for a Hawaii cruise which will be summer of 2025 and my youngest loves giraffes and has asked for Africa with a stay at the giraffe hotel which will be in 2027. I can not wait to experience these bucket list-worthy places with each of them.

Take a moment and think of what you want to do and see in the world. What is holding you back? Is it money? Is it time? Payment plans are always available for most travel if you book far enough out. I also often hear about waiting for retirement and I will admit I have started cringing about this. In my new day job, I work for Brockville's paratransit. I have met people who have been struck by debilitating illnesses or medical issues. People who were waiting for retirement and something happened. We need to stop putting things off. Find the time, find the money. Even if you travel every couple of years do something and do not let time get away from you.

On a bit of a lighter note, I read an article recently about a British woman who took to social media (anonymously) to post about the goings on about her family vacation at a cottage and how much she hated being away, with the extended family. I am sure many of you can relate to this. The annoying mother-in-law, spoiled kids, the dog that does not listen the list goes on and on. But this is where group travel differs from the cottage. You do not have to be that close together. You can have your own room and suites which give you more space. You are not cooking together. You can choose different restaurants and do individual meals vs groups. With many activities, you can spread yourselves out based on your own likes and dislikes.

So my question to all of you What changes are you going to make in your life over the next year? Meet these goals. Spend more time with family and friends. Enjoy life!!! Take a break

Where you can find me:


TikTok: StephanieTTAND

TICO 50021282
55 York Street, Suite 1003
Toronto, On M5J 1R7
Office Phone 416-367-8264 ext 2625
Direct Phone 343-998-6387

Please keep in mind that while my head office is in Toronto. I am a home-based travel agent and I live in Brockville I can service clients anywhere in Canada. But, I meet with clients in the SD&G area. I will still meet my clients in this area as well as in Leeds and Grenville.

Friday 5 August 2022

Group Travel - Who, What, Where and When

 Group Travel is on the rise since covid, and why not this is an awesome way to reconnect with friends and family that you may not have seen in a long time or just to get away from it. Some people worry that traveling with a group does not work as they would be together too much etc but honestly, the groups are so customizable now that you can make them exactly what you want them to be. 

Many families hang around together at the hockey rink, baseball diamond, soccer field, and swimming pool. Their kids may not go to school together but sport together and what better way than to organize a winter or summer vacation together? Head to an all-inclusive resort down south, take a cruise, or even head to Disney or another amusement park together.

I know you are thinking of a few hours in a rink, a weekend tournament, or the occasional party but after seven days together can I get some time to myself too? First off how does a group at an all-inclusive work? First off it guarantees that everyone will pay the same price. I know sometimes you will look online and the price will be posted as $200 less. Here is why: Let's say a plane has 50 seats in economy. They will sell 10 seats at $5 and 10 seats at $10 and 10 seats at $15 and so on. If there are 20 of you in the group 10 will get one rate and 10 more will get the next rate etc. In a group that increase is balanced out so everyone pays the same. You are guaranteed there is space for everyone when you are buying individually the inventory can be low and then some of you can't book etc so it just makes life less complicated. Now resorts there are different styles of rooms, room categories, etc you get that sorted, and voila you book and head away to paradise for a week. At the resort, you can spend as little as much time together. You can organize group excursions, activities, and lots I can help plan in advance for you as well.  Friend family travel is on the rise get a group of friends together and reach out to me for your winter vacation. Also, did I mention many resorts have kids and teen programs in place as well so you do not have to be with the kids 24 hours a day either? Groups on all-inclusive usually start at 10 rooms some may be lower

Hard Rock Punta Cana

Moon Palace Cancun

So what other group experiences are out there? You also have group cruises. 8 cabins for most cruise lines constant a group. Once again you decide on cabin types and block a group space, You do not all have to be on the same floor or cabin type. It is completely up to you. With my new cruising experience and post covid, I will not book anything less than a balcony cabin for myself but I have stayed in, an inside cabin. Once again many kids programs so they can do their own things. There is something for everyone on these cruises and many family-friendly or adult-friendly cruise lines out there. I can help you with what suits your needs. You can arrange for group dining or eat when you want and where you want. My kids are a bit older so my mom and I would go to the specialty restaurants which did not interest them and they would head to the buffet. Did you know the further you book a cruise out the better the price usually is? There are not as many last-minute deals as there once were. Also exotic, shorter cruising seasons book up quickly and early. For example, Alaska is better booked from 1 to 2 years in advance as the season is short and everyone wants to check it out. This also gives you time to save up and pay for the travel as well. My next cruise because there is always a next is from Nov 6 to Nov 21st on the NCL Breakaway departing NY city headed to the southern Caribbean with two stops in South America and then ending in New Orleans. I also have group space on the Diamond Princess in July 2023 for a Japan cruise any interested let me know.

NCL Breakaway

Diamond Princess

The last option I am going to present today is a group coach tour and yes I can hear the groaning in the background. I can not state enough that they have changed from the days of the past. They are not regimented every second of every day. you do get leisure time, a slower pace, etc. But here is something else you may not know, you can book a private group. So you book a date from a preset itinerary or you can build a custom itinerary with many tour partners and you and your friends and family travel together with no strangers. Again these types of trips are better booked further out you can save and pay. 

I have put together a tour with our preferred supplier Royal Irish Tours for a Game of Thrones-themed tour of Ireland for August 2023. The dates are August 18th to August 26th, 2023. It will be a wild summer for me.  

Here is the itinerary:

August 18th depart Montreal on an overnight flight or any other getaway you may need

On August 19th you are welcomed at the airport taken for a light lunch then a studio tour of where Game of Thrones was filmed. Then we travel to Belfast check into the hotel and enjoy a welcome dinner.

On August 19th we head to Castel Ward the setting of Winterfell Castle and a whole morning of activities that include archery and ax throwing and enjoy a medieval lunch. We head back to Belfast and visit the Titanic Experience. The rest of the day is yours to do with as you wish as well as dinner on your own.

On August 21st we head north along the Causeway Coastal route. There will be a tour and then some free time in the village of Ballintoy. The evening is at leisure in Ballycastle where we will be staying for the night.

On August 22nd after breakfast, we head west. There will be a photo stop with the Dark Hedges. Then we head to Bushmills distillery for a tour and tasting, In the afternoon we do a walking tour of the Walls of Derry followed by a stop in Donegal Town. We end the day at Harvey's Point Hotel and will have a group dinner.

On August 24th Today we head south along the shores of Lough Mask and Corrib to Galway. We will be met and taken on a walking tour of the City of Tribes. Later we will cruise along the coastline and see the mighty Cliffs of Moher. We then continue along the Wild Atlantic Way to Miltown Malbay where we will dine at our hotel.

On August 25th we head west to Dublin where you will have a free day to explore the city. In the evening we travel to the Dublin Mountains to enjoy a private shindig in the Long Boat Room of the 15th-century Abbey Tavern

On August 26th after a final breakfast, we will be transferred to the airport for our trip home

The price per person for double occupancy is $3345 CAD.  This includes 7 nights in first-class hotels, full Irish breakfasts daily, 3 evening hotel meals, Welcome lunch, Game of thrones Winterfell experience, and lunch, the tours mentioned, and the farewell dinner

Airfare will be separate and done on a group booking, not included are meals not listed, drinks during meals, gratuities for the diver/guides, etc..

The deposit is $600 CAD per person nonrefundable

So you can see a coach tour can be anywhere you like and see things that interest you. I also have local groups that will be taking place next year as well as NY city and possibly Newfoundland. Also, there are special interest groups available as well such as quilting trips, scrapbooking, and pickle ball just to name a few.

I will be discussing more groups in the next blog so stay tuned. For those following my personal journey one week of shakes and one meal a day done. the first walk has taken place I am sure there will be more to come

Where you can find me:


TikTok: StephanieTTAND

TICO 50021282
55 York Street, Suite 1003
Toronto, On M5J 1R7
Office Phone 416-367-8264 ext 2625
Direct Phone 343-998-6387

Please keep in mind that while my head office is in Toronto. I am a home-based travel agent and I live in Brockville I can service clients anywhere in Canada. But, I meet with clients in the SD&G area. I will still meet my clients in this area as well as in Leeds and Grenville.

Monday 1 August 2022

When Life Throws you Lemons

 So of course just when I figured everything was on track and I was getting settled life has once again thrown some lemons my way. But I have to tell you I am getting much better at navigating all of this. The Weekend of July 23rd I was feeling a bit off you know one of those air conditioning sinus problems that creep up every summer. But apparently, it was more than just that. Monday my partner told me my face looked a bit off. I just kind of ignored it and went along with my day. But by Tuesday morning I started noticing weird things happening also and being as I have high blood pressure my immediate thought was a stroke.

I was good after putting it off a bit and taking myself to the hospital. First time visiting Brockville General Hospital and I have to say I was seen and out in under 2 hours. I was very lucky for that indeed. I was diagnosed with bell's palsy. Which is basically the swelling of one of the nerves in your head. I was given meds and the effects can apparently last up until 6 months.

This was hard news but I figured ok I can take it in stride the only glitch is that I am scheduled to finally have my gallbladder removed after almost twenty years. My attacks have never been severe enough for immediate surgery and the one time I saw a surgeon 10 years ago I had just lost my job and scheduling surgery at the time while looking for a new job did not seem like a good idea. So I put it off and of course, let's get it all out there I am also severely obese so the number of surgeons willing and able to help me also diminished.

With that said surgery was scheduled for September 8th but it also meant a severe weight loss program to make the surgery easier on everyone involved. So I had just started a two-shake-a-day program (meal replacement) with one meal a day.  My biggest weight problems have been due to a lack of physical activity (it got harder as I got bigger) and emotional eating. 

With all of this said this past week was a roller coaster of a ride with emotions. I did have a bit of a breakdown Friday with the overwhelmingness of everything but you know what I did not turn to my food. I had a cry. Talked it out with family and friends and stuck to my guns.

I have my clinic follow-up appointment this week and I will be moving to 4 shakes a day, no real food so I will keep you all posted on how this goes.

I have also decided to up the anty so to speak. So I work for Exclusive to you Travel Services as an independent home-based travel agent. Exclusive to you is hosted by The Travel Agent Next Door (TTAND) which hosts many independent home-based agencies to help gives an amazing say in the industry and with suppliers. So TTAND has been doing a contest last several summers called Fit Trip in order to help keep us motivated during the covid lockdown. We had no work, were losing money from trips that were canceled, and time trying to help out clients muddle through the mess,

Well, I kept saying I would join and get active again, etc but I just did not have the motivation. The last two years as I explained in my last blog took a huge toll on my family. I have suffered from depression and anxiety for years but it got so much worse and I am moving forward. I am setting a small goal not a huge goal because I think not eating is going to be its own issue and no need to overwhelm myself and just set myself up not to succeed yet again. So I am going to start with walking. I am going to aim for 3 or 4 days a week. I know it will not be far. Walking is harder than it used to be. 

So now that I have shared so much about myself let's get back down to travel!!! 

I am going to be launching new things. I have joined the Brockville Chamber of Commerce and hope to have many exciting things to share soon. As well as I have had many clients booking Disney again. it is great to see. I need to get myself back to Disney and back on another Disney cruise. But really looking forward to Tokyo Disneyland next summer. I have a number of group ventures so please reach out to me with any of your vacation needs. I do specialize in Family and Group travel and am not just limited to Disney

Where you can find me:


TikTok: StephanieTTAND

TICO 50021282
55 York Street, Suite 1003
Toronto, On M5J 1R7
Office Phone 416-367-8264 ext 2625
Direct Phone 343-998-6387

Please keep in mind that while my head office is in Toronto. I am a home-based travel agent and I live in Brockville I can service clients anywhere in Canada. But, I meet with clients in the SD&G area. I will still meet my clients in this area as well as in Leeds and Grenville.