Thursday 10 January 2019

Day 2 Headed to Norwegian Getaway

Finally Day two has arrived on our family vacation. We wake up have a great breakfast at the Embassy Suites and get ready to return our rental car and head to the ship. But you know us there has to be a few snags along the way right?
When we got to the hotel and unpacked to go to bed for the evening it came to our attention that my second oldest and had packed almost nothing for this trip. Apparently she has no clothes. Yes she left half her clothes at home but she did have her swim suit that was important right. So before returning the rental car and heading to the cruise we had to make a trip for some clothes. Thank goodness for Walmart Supercentres. So we managed to get her some pants, tops a hoodie. flip flops for everyone and some snacks for the cruise or the plane ride home. Now as you can imagine I was worried about how long all of this would take especially with all the complications getting to Miami the day before.
We manage to get in and out of Walmart in under 45 minutes. Not bad if I do say so myself. We definitely can never manage that feat at home. Now when I rented the car I was supposed to be able to return the car to the port and get a shuttle to the port. Well lets just say that is not true at all. The van had to be returned to the Miami Airport. So we had to head back to where we started in the morning.

Yes my youngest took a selfie at Walmart

Let me just say the phone gps once again had problems trying to get us to turn where we could not do to one way streets. So after going around the "block" twice I finally was able to figure out my own how to get into the rental car return centre at the airport. Returning the car to Alamo was swift and efficient you pull up. Leave the key in the car leave the door open and take everything out you brought with you. Yes I had to take the kids I could not leave them there. I am always trying to sell them and give them away but no one will take them. I just do not understand.

She also managed to snag a picture of a commuter train

With our luggage we head out of the parking garage and head to the shuttle area. You have to go from the first floor up to the fourth floor. We get up there and a nice man tells me that this area is only for pre-arranged shuttles which we obviously did not have or taxi's. Now I know you are thinking what I am thinking how much is a taxi going to sink us now and I had installed the Uber app on my phone to have but I am thinking how long will that take and will we make. So I say we will take a taxi. The man calls over a van we all pile in with our luggage and we had to the Port of Miami Terminal C for Norwegian cruise lines. We are there is less than 20 minutes the cost of the taxi for the 6 of us is $30 USD plus $1.90 USD for the toll. What a deal is all I can say a shuttle would have cost us $20 USD a person at least. We tip the taxi driver, the porters take our luggage and of course they too insist on a tip. They are actually quite competitive, loud and bossy to keep the traffic moving so they can get more tips. My mother was trying to pay the taxi driver and one of them was yelling at him to get moving.
As you can guess the kids were starting to get excited and were hungry. I really do not know why these kids expect to be fed all the time. It is such an interesting concept. LOL. So for those of you who have not cruised before you must go through security same as the airport. They x ray your stuff and you. Same liquid rules. Once you get through that you go stand in line for check in. Being as my mother and I are latitudes members we got to go through the priority line but at that time of morning the lines were very short. We chose an early check in time so we could get lunch on the ship. It is a long walk from the terminal to get on the ship. My mom is currently walking with a cane and was offered wheel chair assistance she refused. You will see this is a recurring thing in the week to come. She is very fierce about maintaining her mobility and walking when she can. We could walk our own place because the line was pretty much non existent which was great. We got the mandatory picture from the cruise photographers getting on board and the washy washy song so everyone knows to clean their hands. Rooms were not expected to be ready until 1:30 pm so we headed straight to the buffet on Deck 15.

Yes they found the self serve soft ice cream the first day and if I am not mistaken they had it every day after sometimes several a day. I will leave the blog post here and continue with the first day in the next installment I will discuss the cabins, sail away and first afternoon on board the ship

Where you can find me:

TICO 500212282
55 York Street, Suite 803
Toronto, On M5J 1R7

Please keep in mind that while my head office is in Toronto. I am a home based travel agent and I live in South Dundas and I can service clients anywhere in Canada. But, I meet with clients in the SD&G area

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