Sunday 6 January 2019

Why Travel Insurance?

Travel Insurance is it really necessary. As a travel agent you can imagine I get asked this question all the time. By working in the province of Ontario it is actually law that I offer it to you when I sell you a travel package. Saying this you would think that alone would tell you that yes indeed Travel Insurance is a necessary evil. I know there are many out there that are Insurance haters we pay and pay and very few of us use it. Yes a good travel insurance policy can be expensive, but the reality is, that peace of mind that protection offers is worth everything.

Many Canadians and Americans sadly think that whatever national plan they have will protect them when they are abroad. Sadly this is not the case. If I go to the United States and break my arm Ontario Health will not cover it. In the states I will have to pay for the hospital visit, the x ray's, the cast everything and vice versus if an American comes to Ontario and breaks their arm they have to pay out of pocket for all the expenses incurred as well.
So your very first order of business when planning a vacation is making sure you have the funds budgeted for the insurance required also. You can google travel horror stories and the lists are long. As a travel agent we hear many stories as well, those that make the news and those that don't. Just like anything else not all products are created equal.
People often mention having coverage with work or on their credit cards. Suppliers also usually have insurance options available as well. Last options are independent travel insurance companies. I will do a quick comparison on them. Keep in mind that Insurance products change all the time so this is just a guideline comparison and their can always be exclusions.
Many employers have travel insurance policies. You need to obtain a copy to see what it actually covers and doesn't again some are better than others. Don't assume what the coverage is check it out.
So I do sell Manulife Insurance. There are different types of coverage you can get, All inclusive, just medical insurance, just cancellation etc.. You need to get what is best for you and your family. Sometimes you just need to supplement what you already have.

Here are the things that are often covered in an All Inclusive Insurance:
Out of province health care, car rental, Trip cancellation, Trip interruption, Flight and/or travel accident, Flight delay, Baggage delay/loss or damaged.
Manulife covers 57 different reasons for cancellation.  The closest credit card that I could find out of so many offered is 44 and it was a travel credit card the CIBC Areogold Visa Infinite. Many cards had simple coverage, some have not at all. The biggest problem I could find with the cards is that is seems you have to pay up front for services and they will reimburse after if you have the coverage. Sometimes the cost of an ambulance is $5000 let alone any treatment. My family certainly does not have those types of credit limits to cover us should something happen.
This is why we have coverage with a great company one that will pay for the care we require and not reimburse us at a later date. So please make sure your love ones are protected and you do not become one of those scary stories we hear about.
More and more countries are starting to insist you have proof of insurance before you can enter. This is also a good reason to have a travel agent. Cuba is one and they will actually make you buy a plan there before entering the country. The countries do not want to be saddled with unwanted debt. Egypt and Thailand are also looking at putting this into play for this year.

Where you can find me:

TICO 500212282
55 York Street, Suite 803
Toronto, On M5J 1R7

Please keep in mind that while my head office is in Toronto. I am a home based travel agent and I live in South Dundas and I can service clients anywhere in Canada. But, I meet with clients in the SD&G area

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