Saturday 26 February 2022

Animator's Palate

 So here is the last main dining room. As this was a short cruise we only had one dinner here and sit down for breakfast our last morning. This is Animator's Palate and it is a great restaurant. To start with there is like a wallpaper for lack of a better description on the wall with drawings of Disney characters. Then there are frames on the walls. They rotate pictures and movie clips while you dine which can be distracting. I watched a little guy at the table across from us maybe 3 years old. He did not eat a bite of dinner he was so busy watching. I almost wanted to take a picture or video of him taking it all in. 

 Here are pictures of the walls.

The decor of the room once again was also spot on, here a few pictures of that. The lights on the ceiling in the paint palettes actually change colours.

So here is a picture. On your place setting is a paper place mat when you enter. You draw a picture in it and sign it and it will come into play later in the evening. Katherine and I both did ours sadly Daniel did not. Here is mine below.

Once again the food was amazing. Disney definietly does know how to do food. I did not eat anything I did not like on this cruise. Here are the food pictures.

My soup and I am awful it was good but I can not remember the type and I did not right it down

My pork chop. Kids did the mac and cheese again

This is Daniel's dessert. Yes he was brought two Sundeas and yes he ate them both

This was my yummy chocolate dessert

This was the etra dessert for the ladies. Again I did not finish either. I really am not a huge dessert person lol

This is Katherine's Cheesecake

So during the meal they played an amazing video and of course the video screen changed pictures. Also they had a video towards the end of dinner with everyone's artwork animated.  I will have that on my facebook business page for your viewing.

Here are our pictures from the photographer that night and of course Daniel once again declined.

Breakfast the next morning was equally as amazing and here is a picture of the kids with our amazing wait staff.

Tomorrow I will share the details about the buffet and quick service dining!!

Where to find me



TICO 50021282
55 York Street, Suite 1003
Toronto, On M5J 1R7
Office Phone 416-367-8264 ext 2625
Direct Phone 613-543-3006

Please keep in mind that while my head office is in Toronto. I am a home-based travel agent and I live in South Dundas I can service clients anywhere in Canada. But, I meet with clients in the SD&G area

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