Friday 4 February 2022

Travelling Again

Traveling now is more complicated than it was in the past. Booking and getting there are the same. The complications are what is required to travel. Each destination/country has its own rules and regulations to follow. These rules and regulations change frequently also, with the different outbreaks.

To fly you must have proof of vaccination. You must also have a valid antigen test result or pct test depending on where you are headed. Our annual conference was held in Ochos Rios, Jamaica back in early November. They required an antigen test no older than 72 hours ( have to be careful here too in case there are delays with your flight). So off I went to Shoppers Drug mart so within 30 minutes and $40 lighter I had my negative results. 

So that was step one completed. I then had to complete a Visit Jamaica form. Basically a covid screening. They do mention you are restricted as to where you can go. You are restricted to the travel corridor only and can not go inland. So no worries you can get your jerk chicken and visit the tourist attractions. Please note that the CDC just raised their level back up to 4 but I know that again if you stay in the travel corridor this area is still safer than the rest of the island.

Step 2 was done. Step 3 online check-in 24 hours before your flight. Remember to download the airline's app as you normally need it for accessing the internet or the apps while in the air.

Now you are done until you get to the airport. You will need to arrive 3 hours before your flight. Check-in and security are taking longer than they use to. This was the norm for international flights but it is now the norm for all flights.

I printed my own baggage tags at the airport and a worker looked at my proof of vaccination before I loaded them. This process was fairly quick while those waiting in line for check-in and baggage had to wait for a while.

Security went smoothly and again there was a line for this as well. Temperature checks were down also. The wait for our plane was not overly long and then we were off to Toronto. Our bags went right though so no need to collect them we only had to worry about ourselves and our carry-on luggage.

Other than my passport and boarding pass they did not check anything else unless you were not doing a connection then they were checking the vaccination status.

So anyone paying attention might be wondering why they have not checked my antigen test results and my answer is I have no idea why. I know about 80% of the people I talked to had to show their results but no one ever asked me and either way it was negative so I was safe.

In Jamaica, we did a quick arrival at a self-check terminal and then you go through customs with all your paperwork. They did not ask for my antigen test either.

Going home was a lot more stressful First of all you do not want to leave the heat behind and I needed some rest and relaxation after the conference but who knows maybe next time. Also to get back onto Canada we require a PCR test. This test cost $75 USD and the nurses came to the resort to test us. Each resort and country has a different procedure. The cost was amazing originally it was going to be $150 USD. I tested negative and was clear to head home. The test was done 2 days before heading home. Jamaica Airport did not have an automated baggage check machine so everyone had to line up. 80% of us were travel agents and had done online check-in so you can imagine the line for baggage only and check-in had a huge difference in waits, Also their priority check-in was not working so they were being processed priority through the normal lines. Needless to say, I was at the end of the line and it took me almost the whole three hours to check-in. I had maybe 15 minutes before the plane was boarding so very rushed and I know why they say three hours.

Toronto went fairly smoothly this is when only selected individuals would do be tested again. Currently, everyone not traveling domestically or from the US have to be tested again but this has been a hit and a miss as test availability has not been the greatest since the change was announced at Christmas.

This blog is posting today but I am flying this morning headed to Miami for a Disney Cruise with my two youngest. Next week's blog will cover those details

Where you can find me:


TICO 50021282
55 York Street, Suite 1003
Toronto, On M5J 1R7
Office Phone 416-367-8264 ext 2625
Direct Phone 613-543-3006

Please keep in mind that while my head office is in Toronto. I am a home-based travel agent and I live in South Dundas I can service clients anywhere in Canada. But, I meet with clients in the SD&G area

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